Friday, March 26, 2010

Haiku for You

Today is an exceptionally sunny day here in Lexington. I decided to do some writing on the porch out back. Well, these little morsels of poetry are the result and they are just for you to enjoy.

Clothes heavy and limp.
They are soaked with cold river,
Koi caress my feet.

A field of Flowers,
All vying to see the sun
Solar warmth abides.

Pure snow, Undisturbed.
White, endless serenity,
Crunching underfoot.

Below me a mountain,
Rocky crags and hills form its veins,
All I see is stone.

Playful spring breezes
Alight petals into dance.
Beauty of Nature.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Sonnetize me captain

At one point I would say that I didn't like Sonnets. My perspective has broadened since then and now I share for you a sonnet I wrote for my English class.

Sonnet #195

Here in the wastes of schooltime splendor I,
The laureate of lethargy, compose
Ballad to delight my readers a sigh.
Thusly words from my fingertips now flow:

Here, keeping meter and rhyme grows weary
As the mind is tortured o’re boredoms racks.
My mouth drawn to yawn, my eyes gone teary,
I wade through conjecture and lecture facts.

Then my eyes are blinded by knowing light.
When I, my home in lazy darkness make,
Remove myself from understanding’s fight.
Now with scholar’s purpose, I my norm break.

Knee-deep in knowing, I now understand
That living a life of effort is quite grand.