Thursday, December 4, 2008


another bit of verse.

read and enjoy.


Waves crash on the edges of my mind,

A turquoise spray. Enbrining the walls of my sanity.

The repetitive conflict of the ocean

trapped inside this of my own mind.

Coursing, surging, flowing, growing: exploding,

those waves, they erode me.

Each pass, each pause, back and forth crashing to

conclusion. They corrode me.

Naught but the sea occupies the valley of my thought.

Brought from the goddess of rain, with charms love-wrought.

The ictus of her gift, the crashing, the breaking, the silence left between.

It turns me red, rusting my mind, slowly. Till naught but the waves remain in me.

The solace in silence no longer coveted, nor found.

Only the patter of rain, raising the water:

Louder, the ocean's thunder against my mind.

Too much a lunatic, brought by the whims of a tide.

The crashing, ....

The crashing, ....

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

This is hardly a poem but rather a letter I wrote to congressman Ron Paul in a desperate act of need.

Congressman Paul,
It has come to my attention that something very bad is happening. It has come to my attention that all I believed to be just and true is evil. It has come to my attention that the document which defines the laws and sovereignty of America, my home and my country, is being kicked about by the well polished dress-shoes of the men I had invested my trust and faith in.
As I am sure you are well aware, the document to which I refer is the glorious Constitution. Crafted by the greatest minds of its time this document is our guardian, our protector and our political change spearhead. But, it would seem that the sly serpents tempt us with sin once again; in that, every day we surrender more of our rights for so-called security. And it is our ignorance that lets us give our freedom so easily, which is our sin.
I can look around and see the wheels begin to spin. Slowly but steadily justice and freedom are being shoved into oblivion by terror and greed. Understand what I am saying, I can see, with my own eyes, unfolding on the horizon before me, the evil empire this country is becoming. The media, no doubt in such intricacies as I can never comprehend, has been making us look at their shiny lights and baubles rather than looking around to see the truth.
Secret Prisons, Torture, Censorship, Physical Abuse, Economic Privateering, Violations of Privacy, it is all of these things, these despicable vile acts, that even as I think of, bring thoughts of sadness and anger to my mind. To know that my country, the nation of people that I am a part of and that I trust to represent me in my daily life, has committed such atrocities makes me feel as if I can never be happy again; I feel as if all the hope I have for the future is slipping away. But, I still believe it is not to late to stop this. It is not to late to restore freedom and liberty and pride.
You are my last hope. I feel as if you really do care. I may have been mislead, you could be as evil as every other person who aims to control government for there own needs but I pray, with what little faith I have left, that you can save us. So, I am writing you to remind you what we can not let happen! It is not a matter of politics or money anymore, it is a matter of life or death. Preserve freedom or let her be trampled to death.

Daniel Stephens

Friday, May 30, 2008

Pirates and such.

I love pirates, I even have several pirate friends, so I decided to write a poem about pirates and the beauty of having a poignant conversation.


We are Pirates.
Our exotic plumage addressing the wind head on.
The culmination of the worlds conversations
billows inside our sails.

We unsheathe our rapiers and give a pirate shout.
Quick slices and penetrating jabs are our weapons
as we dissect until the smallest dichotomy remains.

Each word comprised of simple characters
willing their meaning into our mind.

Where they possess us and become our beloved loot.
What can any man prize more?
Nothing but one more word....just one more.

We are Pirates
Seize ourselves on currents of conversation.