Monday, November 5, 2007

Love is all I am.

Ladies and Gents,
Hello and Hi, Salutations and /w(s). How are you all doing? I really am quite concerned, because if you are reading my blog you are awesome++++.

I am rather sad about my lack of poetry but I do realize it is because I have a lack of free time. I have school, work, friends, recreational drugs (and by that I mean the occasional drink).
But I am rather happy about the poem I plan to write very soon, one of love. Not one of my emo sad poems ( which I hate ever-so much) but rather a poem of true finding.

In other news though I have noticed some interesting things lately.

1. Youtube has become a very...musical website. A good majority of the post are now music, which is a bit limiting. (

2. If you are as immature as I and you follow lots of childish cartoons October/November has been great for you. I.E. Stweie shot and killed Louis on Family Guy, but she is somehow back ( AND Cartman has finally got Kyle to "Suck his Balls" (


Poem to come later.

1 comment:

Fish_Bone said...

I've got a splendid anime for you. You should watch Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann. Tis pure awesomeness. I've practically watched the whole series twice already. You can find it on youtube.

And I look forward to your poetry!