Monday, October 1, 2007

The first of september

Yay, today is the first. Of all the days, I think the first is my favorite.
I get paid on the first and....that is the only reason. Likewise the 15th is awesome.
Well, I didn't do so hot on my astronomy test I got a 40/52 which is like a 77%. WTF ZOMG NO WAY; I studied more for that test than I have any test in the history of my brain.

I have my geology test in 35 minutes.....and yes I studied more than I did for the astronomy test.

I am thinking of putting XP on my computer again. it will cost me greatly.
ALSO....I am going to go winter close shopping soon.
Wish me luck....

and now for todays poem....the last one was a bit sloppy this one is deffinitly more meditated.

Love your Chengu

Do you remember all of the fun we had?
How we talked of perfect futures
where you and I lived as neighbors
and the milk man came promptly, everyday at 7am.

Oh, how i remember such promises
and how I miss our time together.

Now I am older, as we all are.
Adorned with facial hair and common sense
and I see what is reality.

Pick some cities.
Chicago-D.C.-Seattle-New York.
Put them between our houses.
Separate us by miles and miles,
oceans and beaches.
Separate us by crappy cars
and sky-high sky travel around the world.

I will tell you a secret, we live in a crazy mixed up world
not to be clichéd but....yep. That is a good description.

For us to assume such fancies is LUNACY

"Dr.Frankenstein, you cant have his brain."
"Yes I need it."
"I want to play with it"


"Pizza, monday. k?"
"OK, cya then."
"BTW did you get teh math homework"

But their is still a friendship, a love, between us.

Our time together determined that.

When we fought, When we loved,
When we laughed, When we boozed.

Those are our memories to lack away forever.
Behind lock and key, steel and biometrics.

When I see your photo,
from the shutter's light
I am briefly sad. My sun sets
But then I remember our time. My sun rises again.

So, record me in your journal.
Store me in your heart.
Sing me in your songs and
paint me in your art.

Because I write you in my verse.


Fish_Bone said... spell "chingu" wrong.

Fish_Bone said...

And I have bad grammer. *Spelled is what I was going for.

Ellen said...

I love how you mix intellectual words with teenager ones in your poems.

Like, cliché and BOOZE.


Chrsinte's spel grammer good is.