Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Canvas and Homeless Men.

I had to go and get my canvas backpack patched today, there were holes in the bottom corners from where books had punctured through. On the way I stopped by another Game Stop. I was very assertive in my interview/application hand in and I think things may go well this time. I am so proud of myself for being LOUD AND PROUD!!!
Well anyways on the way home I saw an old bum walking through the park and thought nothing of it. Once I ate my lunch and went to my room to read a little, Siddhartha by Herman Hesse, I saw the old man walking past my house. He stooped and smiled at me. So I wrote a poem in his honor.

This is an explanation...for the following. I am not schizophrenic. (HOLY SHIT I spelled that right on my first try)

They live in my head.

Meet Daniel and meet Dan; they both live in a side of my head.

It is quite quaint, with only two cabinets and only two beds.

They are usually perfect gentleman and never fight-that is until they speak.

Or that one time when they we on a plane flying to Mozambique.

“Out dammed spot! Get out of my char! 4c is my chair.”

“Fine then, loser, but I get the peanuts and get your bag’s strap out of my hair!”

“Loser, who are you referring to as a loser, twerp?”

“You called me a ‘Spot’ first, jerk!”

“Ha, I was merely reciting some appropriate verse.”

….But of course, this all goes on inside my head.

“Sir, what a superb use of literary prowess that was a beautiful ellipsis”

“Yeah…yeah man, yeah that is a good use of isthmus.”

Of panama.

So anyways, every day I sit in my chair and read in my books

And this strange little man comes by and gives me all sorts of looks.

“He is indeed a peculiar little man, he looks so poor, he just comes and goes.”

“Nah, peculiar is an understatement, you don’t even know.”

He always stops and stares at me, while I read in my chair.

“He is as a leaf taking a break from the relentless summer breeze.”

“Similes?!?! Gosh you are so frustrating, geeze”

I think he is a messenger of what we all want to most, he is hope for joy.

He has become a drifter and to fate he is nothing but her toy.

“He is a bee bringing us the purest honey.”

“Do you see what I have to deal with? I should have asked for more money.”

“You don’t even exist, so how can you have a salary?”

“Ignoring you! Or look a donut has a million and two calories.”

He has a comb-over and the most threadbare of clothes

But he is at peace. And leave me every day; who knows where he goes.

He has accepted himself, his life, and he can see only the beauty in trying.

He sees blue and he sees water in a river. He can sit while s standing and sigh while smiling.

“Brilliant deduction, sir, you make things so clear with your words.”

“How do you make two things into one? Worms and berries become the crap of birds?”

I hope one day he will stop in and talk to me.

Maybe we can discuss happiness over a Pepsi.


“I get it.”

1 comment:

Ellen said...

That poem made me smile. :) Even though i don't know what most of the big words you wrote mean. Haha, i'm not much help in writing. :D I'll still with photoshop thank you.

OH, and I hope you waved back to the poorman Daniel. *finger wag*